
Kettlebell Swing with Flip to Squat

Kettlebell Swing with Flip to Squat

Kettlebell Swing with Flip to Squat


Exercise Data

Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Hamstrings
Other Muscles: Legs,  Glutes , Abs  
Equipment:  Kettlebells
Level: Advanced  

Kettlebell Swing with Flip to Squat Guide
1.Hold a kettlebell in both hands with palms facing toward you and feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Allow your arms to hang straight down in front of your body so the kettlebell is hanging between your legs. Lower into a squat and swing the kettlebell upwards, standing simultaneously.
2.At the top of the swing, release the kettlebell from your grip, flipping it over in your hands. Allow the kettlebell to complete one full revolution before catching it in a standing position.
3.Holding the base of the kettlebell, perform a full squat while holding the kettlebell in front of your chest. Push back to standing and return the kettlebell to the starting position.

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