
One Arm Swing

One-Arm Swing

One-Arm Swing


Exercise Data

Type: Strength

Main Muscle Worked: Hamstrings

Other Muscles: Legs,  Glutes , Arms  

Equipment:  Kettlebells

Level: Beginner

One-Arm Swing Guide
1.Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your toes slightly pointed outward, and your knees slightly bent. Hold a kettlebell in one hand, just in front of your hips. Hold your other arm straight out, parallel to the floor.
2.Push your hips back and bend over at your waist, keeping the kettlebell close to your body. Puff out your chest and keep your core tight and back straight. Then, thrust your hips forward and squeeze your glutes to swing the kettlebell forward and upward. Reverse the motion to the starting position.
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