Foam Roller Reverse Crunch on Bench
Exercise Data
Level: Intermediate
Foam Roller Reverse Crunch on Bench Guide
2.Tighten your core and use your abs to raise your hips and knees toward your head, making sure to keep tension on the foam roller the entire time. Pause at the top briefly before lowering back to starting position.
1.Lie on your back on top of a bench. Hold on to the sides of the bench next to your head for support. Place a foam roller between your ankles and thighs, squeezing to keep it in place while raising your knees up to 90 degrees.
2.Tighten your core and use your abs to raise your hips and knees toward your head, making sure to keep tension on the foam roller the entire time. Pause at the top briefly before lowering back to starting position.